Terms & Conditions

Code of ethics


Cultural and gender considerations. Treating everyone with respect and being courteous. Everyone deserves respect, dignity and privacy. We will not and must not put students or clients in jeopardy.


High level of integrity which is defined by our thoughts, words and actions. We represent healthcare practices of Complementary Health Therapist, Yoga and SUP Yoga instructors worldwide carrying the ISYA accreditation and FHT Membership, demonstrating consistent character integrity throughout all our practices and therapies.


SUP Yoga Instructors &/or Schools will adhere to ISYA SUP Yoga standards at all times to maintain safe SUP Yoga practices, and Complementary Health Therapists will adhere to FHT’s standards at all times to ensuring risks are reduced and mitigated at all costs to maintain student safety and wellbeing.


Provide SUP Yoga teaching excellence and CHT practices to the public and community, delivering the highest quality of SUP Yoga teaching and treatments.


All prices are stated in Great British Pounds Sterling (£).  By submitting a request for a booking or appointment you will be provided with a booking registration containing payment details. 

Bookings will not be considered final until full payment is received for group bookings, yoga or SUP yoga sessions.  Complementary Health Therapy appointments may be settled on the date of treatment as agreed by both us and the client. 


We are fully trained in the activities we offer of which are fully risk assessed and insured.  As part of our training program we follow a strict set of guidelines as used by the RLSS, ISYA, and also by our own Safe Operating Procedures and Risk Assessment (our “SOPRA”), a copy is available upon request.

  • A signed disclaimer must be completed by everyone using our services, including participants aged 18 years and under (minors) whose parent/guardian will provide the disclaimer prior to their child’s engagement in any activity.

  • Any potential risk or hazard will be fully explained and participants must follow all instruction for your safety. 

  • Personal protective equipment supplied for outdoor sessions must be worn when requested by the instructor.

  • A group safety kit including a first aid kit and mobile phone is available at all times.

  • SUP yoga students confirm to be a competent swimmer.  If during an activity the participant begins to feel unwell, faint, dizzy, seasick/motion sick, or any form of discomfort you will immediately stop, take rest, and signal your need for assistance.

  • All participants must inform us of any medical issues, additional requirements, or special needs that may impact on the safety of themselves or their group for any activity or event we host.  You declare to have no physical, emotional or psychological injury or illness which may impact the safe participation of yourself or others in any of our activities.

  • You acknowledge and understand that any advice offered to you is not a substitute for a medical consultation.

  • Please note that SUP Yoga Guernsey will not be responsible in any way for any loss or damage to property or injury to persons who are using, or under the supervision of the instructor, or during a lesson if not adhering to the rules, advice, or direction of correct practice provided by SUP Yoga Guernsey.


Venues for outdoor activities may be confirmed at short notice to get the best of the local conditions on the day of the scheduled activity.  In accordance with our Data Protection Policy in our Privacy Policy please ensure we are able to easily contact you by text or telephone, or contact us the day before your session.

You agree to notify us of any relevant changes in health at the earliest opportunity prior to an activity.  In the unlikely event of need, you will provide us with in case of emergency contact details.


Bookings that are cancelled in writing greater than 30 days of the scheduled activity are subject to an admin fee of 10% of the booking cost or £10, whichever is greater.

No refund will be given for cancellations within 30 days before the activity, however you will be offered an alternative future date.  If you are unable to attend your scheduled activity due to illness an alternative future date may be offered.  No refund will be made for no shows on the day of the activity.   

We reserve the right to cancel any activity where conditions prevent safe participation, or where insufficient bookings make the activity unviable.  If we need to cancel an activity for any reason, or the session is unable to go ahead due to inadequate or poor weather (this decision is made by us), or any venue advises we are unable to use their facilities you will be offered an alternative date in the first instance or will be entitled to a full refund.

Code of Conduct and Ethical practice

Yoga and Complementary Health Therapy operates on a holistic practice and philosophy.  All clients and students should therefore act within the principles of good, ethical practice as listed below:

  • We aim to provide a safe environment where all users, participants, clients, volunteers, teachers and members can enjoy equality of opportunity without fear of discrimination or harm.

  • Respect the right, dignity and worth of every person.

  • Act with honesty and integrity.

  • Participants must refrain from acting in any way that might bring the tradition, organisation or teachers into disrepute.


Participants under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not take part in water-based activities. We reserve the right to exclude any participant for safety reasons at any time. 

We will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour, or any form of physical, emotional or verbal abuse.  Any such behaviour will lead to the participant being removed from an activity.

Being a Complementary Health Therapist and SUP Yoga Teacher is a physically and emotionally demanding occupation.  Students and clients must disclose any history of physical or psychological ill health in their application to attend any activity we provide. Non-disclosure of such information that later impacts on our ability to meet the demands of the activity could lead to the participant being asked to leave the activity without refund.

Photographs and videos. 

As per our Privacy Policy, from time to time we may take photographs and/or videos (“multimedia”) to capture images and/or footage of our activities.  This multimedia may be used on our website or for promotional and marketing purposes which you will not be financially compensated for such use.  You will advise us via your signed disclaimer if you do not consent to having your multimedia taken, or should you have consented in the first instance then change your mind you will notify us in writing as soon as possible prior to the activity. 


Whilst we maintain integrity in ensuring your safety, actively encouraging you to practice mindfully and to remain within the boundaries of your own capabilities and limitations we take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our participants and our equipment. 

You take full responsibility for your own health and safety including any injuries and honour personal accountability through your action and non-action in conducting yourself in a safe manner.

Every participant is required to read and sign our disclaimer and waiver for all of our offerings thereby providing your consent to participate in any of our activities that you acknowledge and understand that although generally safe by its very nature Complementary Health Therapy, Yoga and SUP Yoga can encompass known and unanticipated inherent risks and dangers which may result in damage, loss, injury, drowning or death and that we will not be held responsible in any way for any such loss or damage to property or injury to participants under our supervision during any activity.

You will be made aware prior to your first CHT treatment of the potential effects derived from process healing which may occur during and up to 48 hours after any treatment.

In the event of any such incident you confirm to hold us harmless and unaccountable for any claim in compensation, negligent or non-negligent, waiving any legal rights releasing us and any of our teachers and/or chosen venue(s) from maintaining court proceedings regardless of the fee paid exercising your free will and personal choice to participate in activities we provide.

You agree to pay in full for any damage you incur to our equipment accidentally or otherwise.

Changes and Revision

We reserve the right to alter our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy without notice. 


If for any reason you feel dissatisfied by our service please contact us with your concern or complaint and we shall do our very best to resolve it for you as quickly as possible.